Comparison of 2 AD plants using questions asked:






Tonnage of feedstock the pant takes in on an annual basis

50,000 tonnes/pa

29,000 tonnes/pa

What is the tonnage made up from

Food waste

Food waste and arable crops

Which local councils supply you with food waste

re3, RBWM, Vale of White Hors, South Oxfordshire

Isle of Wight, Hants, Eastleigh, Portsmouth and commercial businesses inc. Waitrose Bracknell

Which process does the plant use - Anaerobic Digestion with Electricity to Grid or Anaerobic Digestion with Biomethane to Grid

Electrical Grid

Anaerobic digestion and Biomethane to grid (they harvest methane gas)

What is the size of the plant foodprint?

2.7 hectares

1.6 acres (0.647 hectares)

How did they engage with the public when the site was first proposed and also through its build and what issues arose – and have been raised whilst the site has been operational?

Unknown, no issues raised whilst re3 has been engaging with this site

Biogen put considerable effort into working with the local community into the running of the site when it bought the plant in 2018. There was much hostility to its existence before the company purchased it but through careful adjustments to lorry movements and reducing the emission of unsavoury odours, the plant now works without objection, but Simon stressed it took a lot of careful handling and compliance and this need to be monitored daily. He went on to say, It is essential to bring the community with you regarding planning matters.